Why Choose an Interest Only Mortgage?

Investing in a property in Spain with a Spanish interest only mortgage offers flexibility and strategic financial benefits. Whether you’re an investor looking to maximise cash flow or a buyer seeking lower monthly payments, our services help you secure the best Spanish interest only mortgages available through our network of Spanish banks.

Key Benefits:
  • Lower Monthly Payments: Only pay the interest during the initial period, reducing your monthly financial burden.
  • Increased Cash Flow: Use your savings for other investments or expenses.
  • Flexibility: Ideal for those planning to sell or refinance before the interest-only period ends.
  • Expert Guidance: Our mortgage experts are here to help every step of the way.

How We Help You Secure a Spanish Interest Only Mortgage

Getting started with your interest only mortgage in Spain is simple and straightforward:

  1. Consultation: Contact us to schedule a consultation with our mortgage experts.
  2. Documentation: Gather required documents like proof of income, identification, and property details.
  3. Application: We assist you in preparing and submitting your mortgage application to Spanish banks.
  4. Approval: We leverage our connections to ensure a quick and favorable approval process.
  5. Finalisation: Once approved, we guide you through the final steps to secure your mortgage.

For more detailed information, check out our guide for ‘How To Buy Property in Spain‘.


What is the maximum interest-only period available?

Interest-only periods typically range from 5 to 10 years, depending on the bank and your financial profile. Our consultants will help you find the best option for your situation.

Can I switch to a repayment mortgage later?

Yes, most interest-only mortgages offer the flexibility to switch to a repayment plan. We will guide you through the transition process if needed.

What documents do I need to apply?

Commonly required documents include proof of income, credit history, identification, and property details. We provide a detailed checklist during our consultation.

Contact Us

Ready to secure an interest only mortgage in Spain? Reach out to us for a free consultation:

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