Tailored Mortgage Solutions for Company Directors

Are you looking for company director mortgages in Spain? At Worldwide Property Co., we understand that your financial situation is unique. That’s why we offer mortgage solutions designed just for company directors. Our goal is to make the mortgage process as smooth and straightforward as possible for you.

What is a Company Director Mortgage?

If you’re a company director, you know that your finances can be a bit different from the norm. That’s where a Company Director Mortgage comes in. These mortgages are specially designed to consider the unique financial setup of company directors, offering more flexibility than standard mortgages.

What Documents Will You Need?

Getting your paperwork in order is the first step. Here’s what you’ll typically need:

  • Company financial statements and accounts
  • Personal bank statements and tax returns
  • Proof of identity and residence
  • Details of any existing debts

Don’t worry, our team will help you gather everything you need.

How do lenders view the variable income of company directors?

As a company director, your income might not be the same every month. Lenders get this. They’ll look at your overall financial health and business performance to offer a mortgage that works for you. We’ll help present your financial situation in the best light to get you favourable terms.

Are there specific mortgage products for company directors?

We offer a range of mortgage products tailored to company directors. Whether you’re looking for a fixed-rate, variable-rate, or interest-only mortgage, we’ve got options to fit your financial situation and future plans.

What are the tax implications for company director mortgages in Spain?

Buying property in Spain involves some tax considerations. Our legal and tax experts will guide you through the financial implications, ensuring you’re well-informed and compliant with all local regulations.

Can non-resident company directors obtain a mortgage in Spain?

Even if you’re a non-resident, you can still get a mortgage in Spain. We’ve got experience helping both residents and non-residents navigate the mortgage process, ensuring you get the best terms possible.


Our Process for Securing Company Director Mortgages

Initial Consultation:

  • Assess your financial situation and mortgage needs.
  • Discuss tailored mortgage options and potential interest rates for company directors.
  • Address any questions about the mortgage process in Spain.

Financial Analysis and Documentation:

  • Assist in gathering necessary documentation, including company financial statements, personal income statements, and proof of identity.
  • Provide a detailed checklist tailored for company directors.

Pre-Approval and Lender Negotiation:

  • Submit your mortgage application for pre-approval to multiple lenders.
  • Negotiate terms with lenders to ensure the best rates and conditions.

Finalising Your Mortgage:

  • Guide you through the final application process.
  • Coordinate with legal and financial professionals to ensure all aspects are covered.
  • Assist with the closing process to secure your property in Spain.

Contact Us

Ready to explore your mortgage options? Contact our team of specialists today for personalised advice and start your journey towards owning a property in Spain.

Contact Us